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Showing posts with the label Flexibility

Adapting to Change: How to Embrace Flexibility as a Freelancer

Adaptability and flexibility skills are indispensable for freelancers in any role, particularly in project management and virtual assistant/executive assistant positions. Here's why: 1. Freelancers often work with diverse clients, with unique needs and preferences. Adaptability allows you to tailor your work approach to meet the unique needs of each of your clients thus ensuring they are satisfied. 2. Being adaptable also means you’re equipped to handle unexpected challenges easily. If you’re flexible, you can pivot quickly and find innovative solutions to overcome challenges, while maintaining project momentum and client confidence. Imagine you're working as a freelance project manager, and you’re overseeing the development of a mobile app for a client.  Midway through the project, your client changes the app's features based on emerging market trends.  Flexibility as a freelancer means that you would swiftly adapt to the new requirements by reorganizing the project timeli...